Friday, February 24, 2012

I just ordered calamari from an Italian restaurant. For the first time I noticed fully formed mini octopi fried up and included amongst the "regular" fried ring calamari pieces. I've never seen this before. Are they just teeny tiny little squid? Or are they a part of the squid that the rest of the calamari rings come from? Are they a separate food entirely?Are the mini octopus in calarmari from the same creature as the actual calamari rings?The little octopus-looking fried bits are the tentacles or legs of smallish-squid. Calamari is the entire squid cut up into pieces and fried usually- the rings come from the head and body, and the octopus-looking legs are from the bottom of the squid.Are the mini octopus in calarmari from the same creature as the actual calamari rings?They are the squid's tentacles.Are the mini octopus in calarmari from the same creature as the actual calamari rings?Plus baby octopus do not lend them selve to quick cooking like squid/calamari, I used to buy just the tube, we marinated them and then dredged them in a season flour before frying|||the tentacle things are the bottom of the calamari. it's not octopus, it is the squids legs/arms, the rings are it's body cut into ring-like pieces.


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