Friday, February 24, 2012

Ok so i got a mini fridge for Christmas, and its great, but it has a smell that is GROSS its just the smell of the fridge tho, its not mold, or anything else that brand just smells that way, I hav baking soda in there already and hasnt helped, WHAT DO I DO? thanks!!How to rid myself of this smell in my mini fridge!?baking soda does nothing. here's what you do: take charcoal (like for a charcoal grill) and wrap it in damp newspaper. Leave it in the fridge overnight- the smell will be gone. (unless the smell is coming from the cooling unit itself, in which case there's nothing you can do.)|||You're probably talking about the smell of the plastic itself, which makes up the insides of the fridge. I kinda like that smell, myself.
It's kinda like "new car" smell, you mostly just let it wear out. You might try wiping down the sides occasionally with some cleanser, not a super-strong one, because then you've got the smell of the cleanser to deal with. It's like if you used a strong bleach solution, it might take care of the plastic smell, but then it's got a much worse bleach smell to deal with.

I've even used Windex ammonia cleaner in really bad refrigerators before, because ammonia is an excellent cleaner. But it also has a strong smell to it, so after using the windex, I'd use a plain soap solution to clean the windex out, so it wouldn't leave the ammonia smell.

Hey, you can always try leaving food in the fridge that's opened up, so that the food smells will eventually overcome the plastic smell. It will work, it might take time.How to rid myself of this smell in my mini fridge!?wet a rag with ammonia and swab the entire interior with the soaked rag and let air dry. the smell will leave....either that, or it's another aisian product with built in odor, like their drywall....some plastics have funny odors, and it may be some manufacturer's idea of a joke to make the place you keep food smell horrible.|||I don't know why the rant against baking soda. Oh, I see. Just a box of soda in the fridge will reduce odors (or so the advertisement says) but I never use it that way. Mix a little in water and soap, wash the fridge. Washing with soda will get rid of the most persistent smells.How to rid myself of this smell in my mini fridge!?Spray every surface on the inside down well with Tilex or some other mildew remover. Let it sit for about a half hour. Wipe all surfaces if the inside down with a rag and warm water. Let it stand open to dry.|||I had the same problem with the on I have in my office what I did is ask the lady that does the cleaning to wipe it out everyday with bleach and that works miracle|||Leave it open outside in your backyard for the smell to go out and the wind to go in.|||try cutting a lemon in half and put it in the fridge, it should help you absorb the odor


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