Monday, February 6, 2012

I have a mini donkey named Cozy. I really want to teach her a cool trick, like how to bow. She is pretty smart.

Can anyone tell me how to do it? I think I have the basic idea, I would just like other peoples opinions.

Also, if you know any other cool tricks, that would be nice. She is trained to ride or anything, so nothing like that.How can I teach my mini donkey to bow? Or any other cool tricks?All you have to do is take a carrot or something and get on your knees and put it between her legs and you can help her find it with your other hand. After a while she will get it and all you have to do it touch her chest. I use it to stretch my pony's back and whenever I touch or go near his chest he bows for me, its really cute. Good luck. They also have a bunch of trick books that you could buy about all these tricks you can teach them and how to go about it. My mom's horse can fetch a stick if you throw it for him-pretty cool.


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