Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I've had my mini lop for about a year ow and about 2 weeks ago we started giving her different food. That's when i noticed that there was red stuff (looked like blood or puke) in her cage. Then when i would pick her up she would get mad and bite, grind her teeth, and scratch. I'm wondering if this is because I switch her food. What should I do?How can i tell if my mini lop rabbit is sick?Yes, your rabbit is in trouble. Rabbits can't puke.. so it came out of the other end. You are probably right about it being blood.. hard to really mistake that for something else.

The teeth grinding is usually a sign your rabbit is in pain or mad.

You cannot just switch rabbit to a different feed overnight.. you need to mix them. Start with 3/4 the feed they were getting and 1/4 the new brand of feed. after a few days make the mix 50/50.. wait a few days, mix it 75/25... wait a few days and you'll be feeding 100% the new brand of feed. Also give hay the whole time.. it helps.

There also could be a problem with the new feed... some mills get weeds sent with the alfalfa mix and it has been known to kill hundreds of rabbits before the mill even knows it happened.How can i tell if my mini lop rabbit is sick?It's definatly worth a trip to the vet with her, rabbits are fragile animals and can go down hill very fast, if the stuff you see in the cage looks just like pee except the red colouring then you might not have anything to worry about. If I introduce anything new into my rabbits diet his pee goes red for awhile, I was like you and thought he was peeing blood but he wasn't. It's best you don't keep switching the food around though, stick to one good pellet and introduce different vegetables into the diet, you should only give him a little bit of each veg at the beginning though.

Please don't take my experience with my rabbits as what is definately going on with your rabbit, I'm just saying not to worry too much until you get the diagonise off the vet, bringing your bunny to the vet is a must here. Good luck!How can i tell if my mini lop rabbit is sick?I would def seek a vets advice on this one..rabbits dont often show signs they are sick untill they are way far sick or its to late.( just so you know rabbit urine can look like blood. if you feed loads of carrots it will be red.) but with scratching and biting with a symptom..i'd seek a vets advice..


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