Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How is life better for man since we came out of the mini ice age? If the ice age did not end, how would things be today?How has man benefitted since the mini ice age ended in the 1850s?Easy, the population has exploded like it does during all of the past warming periods and surprise, but the quality of life has increased like it did in the past.

This is hard for the doom and gloom crowd to understand.|||Well thats an interesting question! Its hard to answer because well we cant go back in time. But an educated guess is that we woupd have had long winter cool spring, summer and fall. Crops would have a harder time growing possibly.
Man has life has bettered because of the earths nature cycle. The earth goes through cycles of hot and cold times. This is my opionion in globle warming is kinda and kinda not real. We are at this moment going through a heating cycle of the earth. But we are making it worse and making it last longer. And we can tell that the earth goes through cycles because of rocks and cave drawings.

Hope this helped!
-Ari-How has man benefitted since the mini ice age ended in the 1850s?The globe has warmed which makes for easier living conditions.|||Well we would be living in a different world many animals would be extinct. what would my home land look like snow where i live is unthinkable.How has man benefitted since the mini ice age ended in the 1850s?we invented ice skates


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