Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I have an indoor plant, Mini Red Roses, and they are dieing! I have done everything the instuctions say on where to keep them and how much sunlight and water to give it! Please help me! Every plant I buy dies! I dont know what I am doing wrong!How do I save my dieing mini roses?"Every plant I buy dies! I don't know what I am doing wrong!"

most likely your over watering them test the soil with your fingers if moist don't water till next day|||I'm not an expert, but are you watering them enough? If you are watering them heaps, be careful, you don't want to drown your plant. I suggest you repot it, because where you brought it from, people who watered it probably left the roots soggy when they gave it to you, as I doubt they have had any experience. I suggest repotting it.

Also look around on the Internet and find out if Mini Red Roses are meant to be indoor plants, or not.

Also are they already dead. If they have a bit of life left then you can still save them.How do I save my dieing mini roses?Hi Emily, just don't do it only by the book. We're in Indonesia always think that they are live, so you must feel what is wrong by the heart. OK?|||Next time you get a mini-rose, plant it outside and it will live for a very long time.
If it is dying, it's because they were not meant to be root-bound in tiny plastic pots.
If you pull it up out of the pot, you will probably see what looks like a pot-shaped mass of brown roots. Healthy roots in potted plants are generally white or light. When you water one of these poor, 'forced' little fellers in the original pot, with the decorative plastic gift wrap liner still on it, it will get root-rot.

In a desperate attempt to stop the mold from growing on the top of the soil, people take off the gift-lining and allow those rotten roots to dry, while still hopefully clinging to the foliage up top, which is using up every bit of the roots' precious energy to try to survive.

Get it out of the pot it came in. Get rid of the leaves and the rotted roots and plant the poor thing in a part of the garden away from other roses. Any time an outdoor plant is unhappy indoors, give it a chance with nature, as long as the weather is good.
It is not likely that any abused grocery-store rose can survive after getting root rot, but it's worth a try.

Plant your next mini-rose into the soil outside as soon as it comes home and you will enjoy it for years and years.How do I save my dieing mini roses?If you have been following the instructions, have you tried any fertilizer formulated for roses? If they've been in the same pot for a while (or even just planted, but in top soil or non-prefertalized potting soil) then they could have run out of vital nutrients. If you do fertilize, do not over fertilize, as that can be just as bad (you can burn the roots so that the plant can't be revived). Also, is it in a draft? The temperature of the house may be off for the roses, and prolonged exposure to the incorrect temperature can kill them as well (they actually need the differing temps so they can go through their natural growth and hibernation cycles). Good luck and I hope they survive!|||Mini roses are famous for getting fungus infestations-the leaves turn yellow, may have black spots. All the leaves fall off-then the whole plant dies. Get a spray bottle of anti-fungal plant treatment and follow the directions for application frequency. You may be able to save the plants you have, if not, start a spray schedule on new plants as soon as you get them.


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