Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A mini license plate for a toy car must consist of a vowel followed by two numbers. Each number must be a 3 or 7. Repetition of digits is permitted.
Please help me construct a tree diagram to represent this situation.A mini license plate for a toy car must consist of a vowel followed by two numbers. Each number must be a?The vowel could be any one of five letters (A, E, I, O, U), so I'd start with five branches, one for each vowel. Now the first number has to either be three or seven, so stick two branches, one for three and one for seven, onto each of the five branches from before. Finally, the second letter also has to be three or seven, so have another two branches coming off of each of the previous ten branches (You're going to need a lot of space)!

By the end you should have twenty possible outcomes.

Best of luck!


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