Friday, February 17, 2012

Thinking of buying a rabbit, I have quite a big hutch (about 4ft long, 2ft deep and 2.5ft tall) and a secure garden for it to run around in.
I've had a mini lop before but I was just wondering what is the difference in size between a mini/dwarf lop and a french lop??What is the difference in size between french lop and mini lop?Hi...I've been raising and showing rabbits for 10 years. The size of your hutch should work for either. There's not a breed called a dwarf lop, there are American Fuzzy lops, holland lops, mini lops, french lops, and english lops. American Fuzzy Lops are small, 3 and a half to 4 pounds but they have wool and require a lot of grooming. Holland lops are also small, between 3 and 4 pounds and only require minimal grooming. Mini lops are more of a medium size, between 4 and a half and 6 and a half pounds. French lops are the biggest of the lop breeds, weighing 11 pounds and over. And English lops are known for their extremely long ears, at least 21 inches from the tip of one ear to the other. They also are larger, weighing 9 pounds and over. Any of them should make great pets with the right attention and care, but I would research them a little to see which one you like best. The website for the American Rabbit Breeders Association,, would be a good place to start and from there you can also go to the National Clubs sites for each breed. And please find a reputable breeder to get the rabbit from, pet stores are a horrible place to buy a rabbit. Most of them come with diseases and other health defects that usually just end up heartbreaking to pet owners. And breeders usually sell rabbits they have that are not showable at a special pet price, so it would not cost you any more than at a pet store. Hope this helps and please feel free to contact me with any other questions you may have.What is the difference in size between french lop and mini lop?A mini lop is smaller than Dwarf, french and German lop.
Mini...Dwarf...German...French. The first two would fit nicely in the hutch. The German lop should also. A french lop will be too big though.

Dwarf - kg 2.041 (41b 8 oz.) Maximum - kgs 2.381 (5Lb 4oz) - Minimum 1.93kg. (41b 4oz)

Mini - Maximumlbs/oz 3.4 3.8 kg 1.5 1.60

A tip on the German Lop - Extremely friendly but also messy!

- By the way, The mini lop is the same as the Holland Lop (Just a different name used by Americans)What is the difference in size between french lop and mini lop?The difference is all in the size. The French lop is, I believe, the largest of all the lops. There are 5 different breeds of lop here in the U.S. and they are (from smallest to biggest): Holland, Mini (different that a holland), American Fuzzy, English, and French. Mini and French lops look very similiar in appearence except for the fact that French Lops are about 3 to 4 times larger than a mini. The hutch that you decribe sounds large enough for any one of the lop breeds, as long as you have some where for them to run with the larger breeds. Even though you didn't mention anything about this, I just though that I would warn you, I would not reccomend getting an English Lop if it is going to be outside. Their ears drag on the ground and so would be quite hard to keep clean if it were kept outside. Hope I helpped!


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