Tuesday, February 21, 2012

i board my mini at a barn and decided to move it to my house.
these are the things i have:
bathing stall
2 horse barn (for miniature horse)
grooming items
lead line and halter
hay and food
should i get a round pin or use a lunge line for lunging?
also about how big of an area should i have fenced in for him to run around in?What tack is needed in a barn for mini horses?Usually for minis... the amount of area my minis had was about (40-50 ft. X 40-50 ft.) and for supplies, an round pen isn't neccessary (I had five minis and never had a round pen) but if you want a way for him/her to lunge or just play without the other mini bothering him/her, then yeah that might be a smart thing to do. Also maybe get a "Jolly Ball" it's a ball for horses that has a handle and they can pick it up in their mouth and run and play (plus this is a toy that you can leave with them for a long time and not have to worry about them choking or anything) with (if you get one of these make sure you get the one for mini's rather than full size horses) Also, for winter, Heated water troughs (keeps the water from freezing) Body suits, fly masks, fly spray, boots, Sleezy suits, fans for the barn... thats all I can think of... Hope that helps, and Good Luck, with the new babies !!!What tack is needed in a barn for mini horses?one horse would need about 50 by 50 feet. You will also need dewormer in addition to the above post. Sounds like you have everything covered. You don't need a round pin. Also Windex with amonia comes in handy for little scrapes or cuts on horses. Fly spray is a biggie for the summer.What tack is needed in a barn for mini horses?Personally, I would say at least an acre. Or a little more if you have it to spare.


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