Saturday, March 3, 2012

evil mini tadpoles have taken over my pool! how do i kill them?How do you kill mini tadpoles when they live in your pool?Why you wanna kill them? You must not clean you pool enough nothing with gills can survive in chlorinated water not even mosquito larva. Try getting some out before doing the following. First add some chlorine turn the pool on and let it circulate. Then shock the pool it is a chemical you put in the pool to kill algae. Let it circulate over night and that should take care of the tadpole problem. Do you have an underground pool or above the ground?|||Well, if you have tad poles in the pool, I would hate to see the condition of your pool..

So get a cover for your pool so it won't happen again. Also have the water treated. God only knows the bacteria build- up if frogs thought it was a great place to lay eggs.

I would suggest capturing them and letting them loose in a pond.How do you kill mini tadpoles when they live in your pool?clean your pool and add all the normal chemicals. chlorine, muratic acid and what not, that will get rid of them and keep them from coming back.|||just let them grow into frogs and they will leave. ofcourse you could have mosquito larvae and your mistaken.How do you kill mini tadpoles when they live in your pool?You don't kill them just simply put them in a little plastic bag with water in it and set them free at the nearest pond or lake because I know that if you were the tadpoles you wouldn't like to be killed!|||why would you want to kill them let them morpf then they go away


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