Saturday, March 3, 2012

I am hopefully getting a mini lop (if I like the litter) but I was just wondering what the difference is between a mini Lop and a Dwarf Lop...just curious?What is the difference between a Mini Lop rabbit and a Dwarf Lop?The Dwarf Lop is slightly larger and heavier than a Mini LopWhat is the difference between a Mini Lop rabbit and a Dwarf Lop?Well technically (and according to the American Rabbit Breeders Association) there is no such thing as a "Dwarf lop"; either the breeder doesn't know the correct name for the breed or it's a mix. A lot of unscrupulous people will add the word "Dwarf" to any rabbit to make the buyer think it will be small.

So anyway, without knowing exactly what you are being told a "Dwarf lop" is, I can't really tell you the difference. But I can say that Mini Lops tend to be a bit bigger than Holland Lops, at about 6.5 pounds versus 4 pounds. But it depends on the breeder and the quality of the animal, too. But those are the ARBA guidelines.What is the difference between a Mini Lop rabbit and a Dwarf Lop?In the US a mini lop is a bigger rabbit weighing up too 6 lbs.a Holland lop is smaller weighing 3 or 4 lbs.|||Mini lops are bigger than dwarf lops but i have had 2 mini lops they are the most cutest rabbits in the world :P


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